Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bring Fun and Magic into Manifesting Your Mate

Magical Relationships
Today I invite single people who are looking for partnership to lighten up, play and discover the fun and magic that can be found in manifesting your mate.

In our group-coaching program, we have some members who are aware of how significant and serious they have made the process of finding their mate.

Their approach to Internet dating has become serious minus the play. They have removed all of the play and exploration in finding their life partner and have made it a serious endeavor.

I don’t know about you, but when I am being pursued by another, I am always more interested in those who are joyous and playful in wooing me. My attitude is “If you can’t bring the fun don’t bother getting to know me.”

Life offers us many opportunities to be serious and significant, and I do not believe that the area of relationship needs to be one of them. We can successfully master relationships through the avenue of play and curiosity.

Try it! I challenge you to shift your attitude to playfulness and curiosity and see if you do not notice a difference in how open another is to you from this point of view!

Our next Relationship Readiness Weekend is coming up on June 6-7, 2009. This is a powerful program guaranteed to provide you clarity and direction around relationships. Register here.

Couples Weekend Retreat - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - in Beverly Hills, CA - you receive 23 Intimate & Intense Hours of coaching. Contact us for more information.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bringing Curiosity and Play Into Your Relationship...

Today I invite you to look at your current relationships and see if you have lost a sense of serious play and curiosity in this relationship.

See if you have tension and conflict in those areas. What is probably missing are those key ingredients for maintaining a joyous balance of fun and magic.

When we consciously choose to bring in a sense of play, and it can be serious play, the kind of play where you bring your whole heart and soul to the endeavor, you are willing to be in the fun and magic of your relationship.

Also, when you decide to remain curious as you learn about your partner or another, the tension and conflict will cease to exist. When I am playful with Melvin, I am curious about how he approaches life and how he solves problems. This allows me to learn things about him I otherwise would not know.

I have also learned that when I bring play and curiosity to our marriage there is a sense of openness, joy, and harmony that flows between us.

Bring play into your relationship today! Let me know how you are doing that by clicking on "comments" below!

Our next Relationship Readiness Weekend is coming up on June 6-7, 2009. This is a powerful program guaranteed to provide you clarity and direction around relationships. Register here.

Couples Weekend Retreat - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - in Beverly Hills, CA - you receive 23 Intimate & Intense Hours of coaching. Contact us for more information.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Remembering Child-Like Curiosity...

Curious Child
I remember when I was a child I was curious about life. I wanted to know how the world worked.

As a consequence, I was always outdoors exploring.

From the time I woke up and had my breakfast, I would tell my mother that I would be back later, and off I would dash to explore what I could in my area of the world of which I was permitted play.

But, I was exploring. I remained curious and interested in the things and people around me. Then when I got married, it was about taking our relationship to the next level, and all sense of play and curiosity was over for all practical purposes.

I stopped questioning and started accusing.

Why are you doing things that way?

What do you mean about that?

My questions were not one of being interested, but figuring it out to see if it was part of my agenda, and if not, then how can I shut it down so that it does not threaten me, as in my identity.

What I was doing was failing to see the beauty in remaining open to learning about this wonderful person with whom I chose to spend my time on this journey I call my life.

By realizing that I was cutting myself off from learning about this fabulous and wonderful person, I had disconnected myself from qualities I had enjoyed and cultivated as a child…curiosity!

to be continued...

Our next Relationship Readiness Weekend is coming up on June 6-7, 2009. This is a powerful program guaranteed to provide you clarity and direction around relationships. Register here

Couples Weekend Retreat - BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - in Beverly Hills, CA - you receive 23 Intimate & Intense Hours of coaching. Contact us for more information.