Friday, August 14, 2009

Listening Skills Important for the New Relationship Era

EducationWhat can be done to decrease the divorce rate, reduce the number of single female parents and enhance our ability to relate to our partners?

There are six ways to create relationships for the New Era and these include selection, acceptance, communication, education, commitment and change in consciousness.

Today I'll talk a bit about Education:

What would it be like if schools taught children how to listen as well as how to read and write?
Listening is more important than speaking, since over 60% of all communication is through body language.

No one is really listening: they are judging, interpreting and figuring out what they're going to say before you finish, if you finish at all.

Interpersonal skills are eroding with the advent of technology, emails, and texting.

What are your thoughts on this subject? I would love to hear them. Post your comments below - just click on the word "comments".

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Communication in the Era of Relationship Transformation!

CommunicationWe are in the “Relationship Transformation Era.” How would you design a relationship for the next 25 years? What can be done to decrease the divorce rate, reduce the number of single female parents and enhance our ability to relate to our partners? We're addressing six ways you can do this and they include selection, acceptance, communication, education, commitment and change in consciousness.

Today, I will talk a bit about communication...


Most people focus on talking; very few are authentic and active listeners.

We can only hear through our biases and interpretations of life.

We see and understand life in our own unique way; no two people see life exactly same way, not even twins.

It takes work and skill to be a heartfelt listener who is more interested in validation and empathy than interpretation and judgment.

Are you a good communicator? What are your thoughts on relationship communication? We would love to know! Post your comments below...

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